
15/05/2018 | Community, Marketing Services

MRM’s community effort for The Great Plastic Pick Up

The Great Plastic Pick Up took place nationally in partnership with the Daily Mail and Keep Britain Tidy over the weekend of 11th to 13th May inclusive.

The campaign aims to draw attention to the amount of plastic waste that is both used and discarded worldwide and to encourage communities, schools, families and individuals to get together to volunteer their time and to clear rubbish from our streets, beaches and beauty spots.

Harborough based Marketing Services company, MRM put a team forward to get involved and with the support of Harborough District Council (who provided us with litter pickers and gloves to help us safely collect litter) we volunteered some time to help clear up the verges between St Luke’s Hospital and the Innovation Centre. 

We cleared no less than 16 bags of rubbish from the area ~ a very satisfying afternoon’s work for the benefit of the whole community!

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